Straw marquetry

It is an ancient craft that we absolutely adore. We work together with interior designers, architects and furniture brands, doing furniture, objects and wall coverings for them. Strawmarquetry means for us to preserve the knowledge of the past and convey it to something of today and now.


Strawmarquetry; Furniture; Interior; Design; Straw marquetry supplies
Strawmarquetry made by Strohmanufaktur


The handcrafted straw marquetry items and furniture (shown on our website) are all produced in our own studio.

We love the material and the ancient technique to design current interior pieces for contemporary spaces.

You would like to have samples or work with us?

Let us know what we can do for you!


Please write us an e-mail:

info (at)

Or call us:


0049- (0)5265-9558684